Organizations are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive. If turf war, disagreement, and differences of opinion escalate into conflict you must intervene immediately. Conflict in the organization can be constructive or destructive for an organization. Most of the time it is destructive affecting morale, productivity and even turnover. In fact, the Chinese character for "conflict" represents two meanings, opportunity and danger. As a manager you need to find and focus on how to make it beneficial and how to minimize the negative aspects. As the CEO, you have to create an organizational culture that encourage and even rewards good conflict management, your goal has to be to increase the benefits achieved from managing and encouraging beneficial conflict, like task and process conflict, while managing, resolving and reducing the negative effects of relationship conflict. This article looks in to how to manage conflict in the organization. It provides definite positive and negative consequences, theory, type, example, current research results, conflict management strategies with their related studies, and resolution process of conflict. Different writers have defined organizational conflict in different way. The common key words, which are used in these definitions, are frustration, incongruence, incompatibility and mismatch. There are six levels of conflict: Intra-individual conflict, Inter-individual conflict, Intra-group conflict, Inter-group conflict, Intra-organizational conflict and Inter-organizational conflict. Another important organizational concept is the "Organizational Commitment". The four approaches to study and conceptualize OC are: Attitudinal approach, Behavioral approach, normative approach and Multidimensional approach. This paper is an attempt to understand the causes, consequences and types of conflicts and suggest remedial steps for the smooth functioning of the organization.
Handling Conflict in Organization
Organizations are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive. If turf war, disagreement, and differences of opinion escalate into conflict you must intervene immediately. Conflict in the organization can be constructive or destructive for an organization. Most of the time it is destructive affecting morale, productivity and even turnover. In fact, the Chinese character for "conflict" represents two meanings, opportunity and danger. As a manager you need to find and focus on how to make it beneficial and how to minimize the negative aspects. As the CEO, you have to create an organizational culture that encourage and even rewards good conflict management, your goal has to be to increase the benefits achieved from managing and encouraging beneficial conflict, like task and process conflict, while managing, resolving and reducing the negative effects of relationship conflict. This article looks in to how to manage conflict in the organization. It provides definite positive and negative consequences, theory, type, example, current research results, conflict management strategies with their related studies, and resolution process of conflict. Different writers have defined organizational conflict in different way. The common key words, which are used in these definitions, are frustration, incongruence, incompatibility and mismatch. There are six levels of conflict: Intra-individual conflict, Inter-individual conflict, Intra-group conflict, Inter-group conflict, Intra-organizational conflict and Inter-organizational conflict. Another important organizational concept is the "Organizational Commitment". The four approaches to study and conceptualize OC are: Attitudinal approach, Behavioral approach, normative approach and Multidimensional approach. This paper is an attempt to understand the causes, consequences and types of conflicts and suggest remedial steps for the smooth functioning of the organization.
General Interview Questions with Answers
Before attending an interview you should think about your responses to the following questions. Your answers may depend on the job or company in question, so you should go through your responses just before each interview.
Why do you want this job?
Think carefully about this question. Stress the positive aspects, which have attracted you to applying for this position. Do not mention the negative aspects of your current job or the job in question.
What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
Their advertisement for the job may help you a little bit, but you should also think of the other qualities that may be required. These may include leadership ability, supervisory skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving, analytical skills, etc.
What can you contribute?
This is your chance to shine. Tell them about your achievements in your previous position(s) which are relevant to the new position you are applying for.
GD Topic: Is Globalisation is Necessary or Not
GD Topic: Money or job satisfaction, which motivates youth
GD Topic: Cellphones Should be Allowed in Colleges or Not
Now a days cell phones are used by different people for different purposes. These cell phones are more useful today for getting information quickly and also for taking immediate actions. Most of the students using cell phones today. Because the companies are giving concession for the student for example BSNL etc.
These Cell phones are mostly used by students who are studying in different places leaving their parents. So each and every student using Cell phones today.
The major problem today is use of cell phones inside the college is allowed or not.We know that educational institutions are the places where the goddess saraswathi is there. So in colleges discipline is followed, if we use cell phones in the college it corrupts the discipline in the college so cell phones should not be allowed in the college. Today use of cell phones inside the colleges creating major problems.
Cell phones outside the college is allowed but inside the college is not allowed. i.e. use of cell phones inside the college are prohibited. This prohibition because of so much of disturbance created by this. Use of cell phones in the class room deviates the students and lecturers concentration.
If cell phones are allowed in the college it corrupts the discipline in the college, because by using cell phones students ignores their studies & they can’t give respect to their lecturers. use of cell phones misleads the students from their usual activities.
Use of cell phones in the college at the time of examination is also Prohibited, if any body uses cell phones at the time of examination it leads to severe problem.
Use of cell phones inside the hostels are also baned in some colleges, because it wastes the time of students and they can’t concentrate on their studies. Use of cell phones in the hostel also leads to ragging, so it is prohibited in some hostels.
On the other side cell phones are more useful for students. By using Cell phones they will get more valuable information from their friends also they will always be in contact with their parents. Students are nothing but the youth if they are having cell phones they will take the immediate decisions
in any critical situation.
Challenges of Global Marketing
E-Governance and Impact in Educational Sector
The application of Information Technology (IT) is fairly widespread by now in India in the private sector. However, when it comes to public governance, India has been a laggard in the utilisation of IT. The common man has benefited from the e-governance measures implemented so far. Perhaps the best example in India of how e-governance can lead to order out of chaos and put paid to the machinations of the ungodly is the replacement of the old ballot system by electronic voting in elections. Despite these advantages, e-governance has not yet made much headway in government in India.
Frugal Innovation
(From 'Jugaad' To Frugal Innovation)
Emerging countries are no longer content to be sources of cheap hands and low-cost brains. Instead they too are becoming source of innovation, producing breakthroughs in everything from telecoms to car making to health care. They are redesigning products to reduce costs not just by 10%, but by up to 90%. They are redesigning entire business processes to do things better and faster than their rivals in the West. Forget about flat—the world of business is turning upside down. Just as Japan's quality circles and just-in-time delivery were part of a new system called "lean production", so the emerging world's reverse innovation and frugal production are part of a new approach to management.
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- Handling Conflict in Organization
- General Interview Questions with Answers
- GD Topic: Is Globalisation is Necessary or Not
- GD Topic: Money or job satisfaction, which motivat...
- GD Topic: Cellphones Should be Allowed in College...
- Challenges of Global Marketing
- E-Governance and Impact in Educational Sector
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